Monday, April 6, 2015


Grab a sheet of paper and write out your top ten beliefs. Do this as quickly as you can and try to do it in two minutes or less. I strongly believe that true feelings come out on paper when you just write without thinking too much except about the question on hand.


(In no particular order)

KARMA- I do believe whole-heartedly that whatever you do in life whether it be good or bad, will eventually catch up to you.
LOYALTY- This is a big one, because I can be loyal to a fault. But it also takes loyalty to get my loyalty. A friend is someone that will be there for you no matter what. If I question your loyalty to me at all then I cannot be loyal to you because I wouldn't expect blind faith from even the loneliest.
FREEDOM FROM SOCIETY'S BELIEFS- This statement or belief, I should say basically means- To one's own self be true. Screw what society thinks about you or what you believe, as long as you are doing all the good you can when you can and your heart's in the right place, then don't ever swallow any bullshit that they may try to force feed down your throat.
WOMENS EQUALITY- No im not a feminist fanatic lol. I do believe that we should be treated just as equal as any man is. Pro-choice for sure. Which might be weird because I personally have been told that if I ever do have children it would be really hard. As much as I want to have my own children I can't judge another woman for something I would probably never do. We all have our reasons and circumstances for why we choose to do what we do
EYE FOR AN EYE- Revenge. It may not always be right but sometimes you have to be wise enough to not put something out into the world that you could not handle yourself.
MIND OVER MATTER- Your mind is the strongest weapon that you have. I told myself that by the time I turned 30 I would stop smoking cigarettes and Thanksgiving of 3 years ago was the last time I smoked a cigarette. I'm 33. 
YOU CAN ONLY RELY ON YOURSELF- you are born alone, you die alone. You have to be able to be a one-man army if need be. Trust me the second that you fall down, there are more people that wouldn't help you up than those that would. So cherish the ones that would.
RELIGION IS A FORM OF CONTROL- I have a major distaste towards religion. I don't hate it, How could I hate something that I once believed. But I definitely think that religion keeps most people from living in the now and instead aids in comforting them regarding death. I need evidence. SOLID evidence and faith just doesn't cut it. 
DONT ASSUME- It only makes an ass out of u and me!
EVERYONE IS FIGHTING THEIR OWN BATTLE- Believe it or not there are people that are much worse off than you are. They may be dying, homeless, sickly, abused, etc. If you wake up and can walk on your own two feet, make your own breakfast, have clothes to wear and a roof over your head than that should be reason enough to live everyday to the fullest :)

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